In today’s dynamic marketplace, exceptional customer relationships are the cornerstone of sustainable success. Participants will explore innovative strategies and tools to transform how your organization engages with customers at every touchpoint.
CRM 360: A Holistic Approach to Customer Relationship Excellence
مكافحة غسل الأموال – متقدم
صمم هذا البرنامج لإكساب المتدربين المعرفة بالجهات الدولية المنوط بها مكافحة غسل الأموال وتمويل الإرهاب والمعايير الصادرة عنها، مع التركيز على الاجراءات المصرفية لمواجهه غسل الأموال وتمويل الإرهاب، واكساب المتدربين للمهارات اللازمة للتعامل مع حالات الاشتباه والإجراءات للإخطار عن العمليات التي يشتبه في انها قد تتضمن غسل أموال او تمويل إرهاب أو أية جريمة اخرى.
From Product to Purchase: Essential Marketing Skills for Success
We keep vying for the attention of our prospects after having created a product or service that we consider to be the best. This makes us introduce our products and services to the buyers in ways that not only create an impact on them but also stand out from the competition. This requires us to focus on marketing activities and their fundamentals. Marketing is at the core of any organization and the consumer is the heartbeat. There will be no demand if there is no consumer – and of course no sales. It thus makes it important to understand the fundamentals of the market and how to develop and maintain a competitive advantage.
Quality Assurance and Improvement Program (QAIP) for Internal Auditors
It will enable the participants to understand the evaluation process of the internal audit activity’s conformance with the Definition of Internal Auditing and the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing and an evaluation of whether internal auditors apply the Code of Ethics. The program also helps how to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the internal audit activity and identifies opportunities for improvement.
Finding the Right Fit
Why are recruitment skills important? A rapid and efficient recruitment process reduces cost and enhances the organization’s reputation. Recruitment skills ensure that the top talent is identified, engaged and hired. The people responsible for recruiting must be dedicated to ensuring they abide by regulation and best practice to avoid any potential mortification or inflated legal process/ action.
Comprehensive Credit Certificate - Sprint
The Comprehensive Credit Certificate is designed to provide participants with the fundamentals of accounting and financial statements. It also enables them to understand lending techniques for effective credit decisions.
Unity in Motion: Enhancing Group Performance
This course delves into the intricacies of group dynamics, exploring how individuals interact within teams and the impact of these interactions on group performance and effectiveness. Participants will learn about the fundamental principles of group behavior, the stages of team development, and the roles that individuals play in collaborative settings.
Asset and Liability Management
A well-run ALM/treasury operation improves the reputation of an organization and should identify profitable opportunities with a balanced division of risk and reward. In collaboration with Intuition, EBI is offering a bundle of programs where participants will get to know more about the complex world of asset-liability management (ALM) and treasury management through 3 courses: Asset Allocation & Portfolio Construction, Asset Classes and Bank ALM & Treasury Management. This bundle is intended for asset and portfolio managers, experienced staff, and banking personnel for retail, consumer, and SME sectors. The license duration for this bundle will last for 3 months.
Corporate Banking
Corporate banking businesses provide banking services to corporate customers that come in all shapes and sizes, from relatively small domestic businesses to huge multinational corporations. This means that the banking needs of these customers are quite diverse, as is the range of products and services that has been developed to meet those needs. In addition to financial statement analysis, and also the skills required of bankers who work with corporate clients on a daily basis. In collaboration with Intuition, EBI is offering a bundle of programs where participants will learn the various credit products and services of banks through 4 courses: Financial Statement Analysis, Corporate Banking Products (Credit), Corporate Banking Products (Noncredit) and Skills for Corporate Bankers. This bundle is intended for corporate bankers and relationship managers of all levels. The license duration for this bundle will last for 3 months.
Credit Risk
The global financial crisis highlighted many issues, not least of which was some extraordinary mismanagement of credit risk. Post-crisis reviews pointed to a major breakdown in loan underwriting standards and indicated that far too much lending prior to the crisis was either irresponsible or not very prudent. As events proved, banks and other financial institutions can lose billions, or even go out of business, due to their failure to manage credit risk properly. In collaboration with Intuition, EBI is offering a bundle of programs where participants will learn how to avoid mismanagement of credit risk through 4 courses and 2 tutorials: Credit Risk Appetite, Credit Risk Management, Credit Risk Measurement, Credit Risk Mitigation, Global Financial Crisis, AI Applications. This bundle is intended primarily for those in Credit Risk, Corporate Credit Management, SME Banking, and Retail Staff Members. The license duration for this bundle will last for 3 months.