يهدف البرنامج إلى إعطاء الموظفين الأدوات الأساسية للتعامل مع العديد من حالات الموارد البشرية مثل كتابة الوصف الوظيفي، وكيفية إجراء مقابلات مع المرشحين الجدد، وتوجه المؤسسة، وقياس أداء الموظفين. كما أنها تمكنهم من التعامل مع بعض حالات الموارد البشرية
مقدمة في إدارة الموارد البشرية
Greenwashing Awareness
Greenwashing Awareness is a comprehensive course designed to provide an in depth understanding of the various techniques used to mislead investors through deceptive marketing practices. The course will include interactive learning, utilizing quizzes, and scenarios to deepen engagement and test understanding with interactive components.
Macro and Microeconomic Modelling
The Macro Economics and Global Financial Markets training course will provide participants with an understanding of the fundamental macroeconomic factors that influence current global financial markets as well as the operations of non-financial firms. The goal of the program is to create a coherent framework for understanding the macroeconomic environment and to provide a consistent interpretation of the role economic growth, business cycles, exchange rates, inflation, fiscal and monetary policy in shaping dynamics of global financial markets.
Strategic Marketing for Today's Business
Strategic marketing identifies and utilises an organization’s competitive advantage in its current and future markets, to determine the best resource allocation and activities – to create mutually beneficial value for itself and its customers. By the end of the programme, delegates will have acquired the thought processes, frameworks, and analytical tools, to optimise their strategy for meeting the demands of today’s complex, competitive, and constantly changing marketplace.
Microsoft Visio
Microsoft Visio® provides you with an intuitive, customizable tool to easily create a professional-looking visual product by using its extensive gallery of shapes.
ACI Dealing Preparation Course
The ACI Dealing Certificate is a foundation program that allows candidates to acquire a working knowledge of the structure and operation of the major foreign exchange and money markets as well as their core products (cash, forwards and derivatives), and the basic skills required for competent participation, including the ability to apply the fundamental mathematics used in these markets. Candidates should also be able to apply The Model Code to their situation. The ACI Dealing Certificate is the benchmark examination for treasury personnel and for those whose work requires an understanding of the working environment of the treasury department of their institutions. The ACI Dealing Certificate is a precursor to the ACI Diploma. Candidates will also be expected to be up-to-date with the latest events and changes in the markets.
برنامج التجزئة المصرفية الدولي - مصرفي منتسب - المستوى الاول
وهو مقدمة شاملة للخدمات المصرفية للتجزئة حيث يغطي الفرص والتحديات الرئيسية التي تواجه هذه الصناعة الواسعة -الانتشار والتي اصبحت محور اهتمام معظم البنوك العالمية و المحلية لما لها من عائد ربحية مرتفع. وهو يشتمل علي نظم التحول الرقمي، المنافسة والشراكة مع شركات التكنولوجيا المالية Tech Big و fintechs وإدارة المبيعات وإدارة المخاطر الائتمانية للتجزئة. يقدم البرنامج سرد لتاريخ الصناعة والتطور الحديث قي خدمات التجزئة المصرفية ، حيث يقدم مجموعة من الخدمات المالية للألفراد والشركات الصغيرة ً والمتوسطة التي اصبحت محور الاهتمام. ويهتم بشكل كبير بدور الاخلاقيات والحوكمة في مجال ألعمل المصرفي. ويتم تدريب المشاركين على فهم نماذج االخدمات و المنتجات المصرفية للألفراد، وتحديد المنتجات والقنوات المصرفية والنماذج التي تركز على التجزئة المصرفية. وتقديم مبادئ ونماذج المنتجات و الخدمات لعمليات التكنولوجيا المالية، والدور التحويلي للخدمات المصرفية الرقمية والمدفوعات الرقمية. يتعلم المشاركون الاساليب الحديثة لادارة التجزئة المصرفية وإدارة العمليات المصرفية، ثم يكتسبون نظرة ثاقبة شاملة على المنتجات والخدمات التي تقدمها بنوك التجزئة. وفي النهاية سيتعرف المشاركون على كيفية تناول المخاطر الائتمانية وإدارة تلك المخاطربالأسلوب الامثل. وأخيرا إدارة بنك مستدام ومربح.
Corporate Finance Credit Professional Certificate
This intensive certificate is the outcome of a collaboration between EBI & New York Institute of Finance (NYIF) and is presented as a co-branded certificate under the name of “Corporate Finance Credit Professional Certificate”. The certificate aims at creating a solid understanding of financial accounting, credit risk analysis, cash flow, projections; industry analysis and debt structuring. Participants will also understand the corporate finance & valuation methods and will gain a comprehensive knowledge about corporate funding alternatives and financing strategies. By the end of the program, participants are expected to be able to analyze financial statements of different types of corporates and evaluate their eligibility to get a finance. Moreover, throughout the program, participants will learn about trade finance, non- performing loans, credit administration and banking investigation, Basel II & III in addition to legal aspects that govern the scope of credit activities. Finally, participants will practice two trial desks where they will be able to utilize the different tools learnt during the program and apply them in real cases.
KYC and CDD Best Practices
With the increase in inappropriate activity as a consequence of the recent crises both Know your Customer (KYC) and Customer Due Diligence (CDD) have come into much greater focus. Firms are seeking to identify additional work to be conducted to enable the risks associates with these activities to be reduced. Problems exist in all areas of banking from high net worth individuals to companies, small and medium sized enterprises and other structures of organization.
Microsoft Excel - Level I
This course is designed to provide participants with fundamental skills and knowledge of using Excel effectively for data management, analysis, and reporting. This course is suitable for beginners and those with limited experience in using Excel