تحاكي Silega Care ™ شهرين من العمليات التجارية. يشارك المشاركون في محاكاة أعمال جذابة وعالية التأثير مصممة لمساعدتهم على اكتشاف وتنفيذ العوامل الرئيسية لخلق تجربة رائعة للعملاء. يجب عليهم التعامل مع الضغوط والعقبات المشتركة، وحل النزاعات، وخلق الثقة، وتحقيق نتائج قابلة للقياس. يكتشفون معًا العلاقة بين عناصر الخدمة المختلفة وكيفية تنفيذها في بيئة حقيقية
Simulation Game: خدمة العملاء
Credit Reasoning and Writing
Credit Reasoning and Writing is a two-day seminar focused on the preparation of credit approval documents that summarize succinctly the overall credit risk exposure that an institution is asked to take on.
This topic is increasingly recognized by financial institutions as a significant skills gap in their staff. In an age where data proliferates, senior credit professionals in many financial institutions have lamented that credit approval documents are often lengthy, sometimes reaching 30 to 50 pages and containing a high volume of data without adding significant insight. Elevator analysis is prevalent in some parts of the industry and although possessing strong analytical skills, many analysts lack the ability to summarize their findings succinctly.
Organize to Optimize
This comprehensive course delves into the strategic aspects of organizational effectiveness by examining both external and internal environments. Participants will explore how competitive dynamics, the product life cycle, and the concept of competitive advantage shape organizational strategies.
Corporate Governance – What really matters?
This course is designed to teach the participants that one of the key lessons that firms have appreciated as a consequence of the recent crisis is the need to adopt an integrated approach to effective management linking all risk areas including governance and compliance with strategy and performance management, poor standards of risk management including governance and compliance risk have led to extensive criticism in many sectors and to catastrophic problems and failure of some of the largest and best-known businesses. In the aftermath of such issues, both market and stakeholder expectations have increased significantly, increasing the responsibilities placed on senior management, developing a sound understanding of corporate governance best practice and comparing this with the approach adopted within your firm is a challenging but essential undertaking. There is a clear challenge of building consistent governance frameworks that also add value to your organization. This will be addressed on this course explaining the main issues and identifying the approaches to be adopted.
ESG & Risk Management for Banks
As digital technology rapidly evolves, today’s consumers have higher expectation from financial services and have more choices in meeting their banking needs in less time and in convenience. This course aims to provide principles and tools in building a proper understanding of the bank digitalization and identifying Fintech.
Internal Control System
This course aims to introduce the systems of risk management and internal control according to the Committee of Sponsoring Organization (COSO). It also introduces the important role of internal control in risk management and within the frame of implementing corporate governance.
Introduction to Human Resources
The introduction of Human Resource Training will give HR staff the basic tools to handle numerous human resource situations such as writing the job description, how interviewing new candidates, the organization’s orientation, and the employees’ performance measurement. Also, it will enable them to deal with certain Human Resource situations
Navigating Digital Banking, E-Payments, and Fraud Challenges
This course is designed to equip bank employees with the knowledge and skills to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of digital banking, including emerging trends, risks, and opportunities. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the latest developments in fraud, digital currency, e-payment, online banking, mobile wallets, artificial intelligence, and other innovative areas, enabling them to provide exceptional customer service and stay ahead of the competition.
الشمول المالى
سيتعرف المشاركون في هذا البرنامج على موضوع الشمول المالي من خلال جانب العرض والطلب، العرض يمثل دور البنوك في تعزيز الشمول المالي من خلال تقديم الابتكارات التكنولوجية بغرض تيسير وصول الخدمات المالية.
الضوابط الرقابية ومخاطر تكنولوجيا المعلومات الأساسية للمدققين الداخليين و الرقابة الداخلية
تهدف هذا البرنامج إلى تعزيز المعرفة بمفاهيم ومصطلحات تكنولوجيا المعلومات الأساسية بين جميع موظفي البنك، وخاصة المدققين غير المتخصصين في تكنولوجيا المعلومات Non-IT audit وموظفي وظائف الرقابة الداخلية Internal control، ومختصي قطاع الحوكمة ، الالتزام ، مديري الفروع والإدارات التنفيذية.