This course is designed to complement an institution’s existing practices in the areas of financial crime. It explores these three areas in depth, offering practical advice derived from a wealth of case studies and delivered in an interesting and interactive manner.
Preventing Detecting Investigating Financial Crime – A Practical Approach
Retail Credit Risk Analysis Scoring
This course is designed to provide Lending Managers, Heads of Departments and Senior Staff with the key skills that they require to implement or improve their credit scored based lending policies using the optimum combination for them of automation and hands on techniques. It also offers a refresher on lending in general to ensure mistakes or problems have not become “built in” to the system and can be avoided in future.
SMEs Cash Flow and Projection Analysis
This course was developed for SMEs bankers, relationship management and middle management staff, in addition to credit departments. The participants will learn cash flow and working capital management to maximize the use of cash. They will also learn how to design short-term and long-term projections to determine the financing needs of SMEs companies
اساليب التمويل المصرفى: دورة تحول/حماية الاصول والتدفق النقدى
سيتعرف المشاركون في هذا البرنامج على التحليل المالي للقوائم المالية وتحديد وتحليل مراحل دورة تحول الأصول، وصف الإقراض بحماية الأصول، وضع توقعات التدفقات النقدية المستقبلية وقوائم التدفقات النقدية التاريخية وشرح العناصر الأساسية لاتفاقيات القروض.
تمويل المشروعات الاستثمارية - تحليل التدفقات النقدية
سيكتسب المشاركين في هذا البرنامج المهارات الخاصة بتحليل التدفقات النقدية لكي يتمكنوا من التوصل إلى وتحليل التدفقات النقدية المتوقعة الخاصة بالمشاريع الاستثمارية.
CRM 360: A Holistic Approach to Customer Relationship Excellence
In today’s dynamic marketplace, exceptional customer relationships are the cornerstone of sustainable success. Participants will explore innovative strategies and tools to transform how your organization engages with customers at every touchpoint.
From MT to MX, The new ISO 20022 Payment Messages specialized for remittance dept.
This course is designed to explain the ISO 20022 payment XML messages from the business point of view to remittance specialist, clarifying the use of the new pacs.008 and pacs.009 and their related messages adjusted by the CBPR+ in remittance activities.
Simulation Game: Pulse
Silega Pulse™ is a highly customizable, powerful business simulation. Five teams compete to outperform the competition by creating more profit and value while maintaining cash flow levels. This hands-on and engaging program simulates up to four business years in just five hours. It’s a realistic live representation of a business in need of a change. Participants must manage all parts of the business process: planning, operations, finance, and people development. Teams make decisions that every business owner must make, including how to price products, which customers and markets to compete for, how much stock to buy, and how to pay suppliers. At the same time, participants have the opportunity to see what the other departments and functions within the organization are experiencing. After each period of activity, short analysis sessions are conducted, followed by immediate application exercises.
Trade Finance – Case Studies
This course addresses the important issues under international chamber of commerce ICC publications related to trade finance tool. Through which participants (CDCS holders) will refresh their acquired knowledge, and challenge their understanding of ICC publications. Sharing experience and going through some important articles/rules of which they are using in day to day activities. Also, it is important to identify the risk faced when dealing with trade finance tools and how to mitigate that risk, considering the ultimate protection needed for involved parties. The course targets candidates who work in trade activities including trade finance officers who hold CDCS certificates.
Certified Management Accountant (CMA) - Part 1
Candidates for the CMA designation are required to take and pass Parts 1 and 2. Candidates are responsible for being informed about the most recent developments in the areas covered in the outlines. This includes understanding public pronouncements issued by accounting organizations as well as being up to- date on recent developments reported in current accounting, financial, and business periodicals. The content specification outlines represent the body of knowledge that will be covered on the CMA examinations. The outlines may be changed in the future when new subject matter becomes part of the common body of knowledge.