This sales course increases your chances of obtaining sales and revenue success, regardless of whether you are selling products or services, and irrespective of whether you are selling to the end consumer or another business. It reduces the uncertainty of the selling process and provides robust skills for selling effectively across a range of business situations. The course initially focuses on communication skills and flows on to a range of proven techniques to tailor to your individual style.
Sales Success Blueprint
ACI Operations Certificate
The ACI Operations Certificate New Version Exam has been designed to cover the basic competence skills for the new entrants in roles of Back and Middle Office environments, as a well-trained and efficiently organized Treasury Operations Department is essential to complete every financial market transaction. This Department provides a vital service to the Front Office by ensuring that all funds flow in a timely and correct manner and that all necessary documentation is completed.
Certified International Retail Banker (RBI) - Level 3
The Certified International Retail Banker program is the top and final level of our Certified International Retail Banker education program Candidates at this level will most likely be the bank’s next generation of or those showing the potential to be senior and executive management. The content is designed for management and leadership positions across the different types of retail banking services including SMEs, private banking, and wealth management.
In this course, participants will understand how to recognize, measure, and release the financial statement elements and disclosures, which will be useful in making critical business decisions. Also, this course provides exactly the right balance between conceptual understanding and technical application and analysis.
Microsoft Visio
Become an expert flowcharter with the customizable tools of Microsoft Visio 2016. Easily create a professional-looking visual product by using its extensive gallery of shapes. By following the exercises in this course, you will create visually engaging diagrams, maps, and drawings using graphical elements to make information easier to comprehend.
شهادة أخصائي التمويل للمشروعات متناهية الصغر
تم تصميم هذا البرنامج ليقدم مدخلا متخصصًا في تقديم التمويل متناهي الصغر بطريق مباشر لا لفراد أصحاب المنشأة متناهية الصغر أو بطريق غير مباشر من خلال تمويل مؤسسات التمويل متناهي الصغر المختلفة (للجمعيات والمؤسسات الأهلية والشركات التي بدورها تقوم بإقراض العملاء الأفراد) بالتوافق مع الممارسات المصرفية السليمة، وبما يساعد على تكوين كوادر بشرية فاعله في قطاع التمويل متناهي الصغر المصرفي وبشكل خاص داخل البنوك التي تستهدف استراتيجيتها نموًا ملموسًا مباشرًا في محفظة هذا القطاع.
Certificate for Documentary Credit Specialists (CDCS)
The Certificate for Documentary Credit Specialists (CDCS) is a professional qualification recognized worldwide as the benchmark of competence for international practitioners; it was primarily designed for students with at least three years’ of experience working with documentary credits. Its purpose is to enable documentary credit practitioners to demonstrate practical knowledge and understanding of the complex issues associated with documentary credit practice. CDCS develops the knowledge and skills required to accurately check documents and manage documentary credit transactions. Within this, it provides a core understanding of documentary credits and the products, parties, processes and rules that underpin transactions. As well as developing the ability to identify irregularities and risks.
Data Analysis Using Microsoft Power BI
This course covers the various methods and best practices that are in line with business and technical requirements for modeling, visualizing, and analyzing data with Power BI. The course will show you how to access and process data from a range of data sources including both relational and non-relational sources. Finally, this course will also discuss how to manage and deploy reports and dashboards for sharing and content distribution.
الضوابط الرقابية ومخاطر تكنولوجيا المعلومات الأساسية للمدققين الداخليي
تحديــد الأدوار الرئيســية للمدققيــن الداخلييــن ومســئولي القطاعــات الرقابيــة غيــر المختصيــن بتكنولوجيــا تطويــر المفاهيــم الأساسية لمراجعــة مــدى كفايــة وفعاليــة التدقيــق علــى تكنولوجيــا المعلومــات تفهــم العلاقة بيــن فعاليــة البيئــة الرقابــة علــى تكنولوجيــا المعلومــات والبيئــة الرقابيــة فــي البنــوك. شرح الضوابط الرئيسية لتكنولوجيا المعلومات. توضيح إطار التدقيق المتعلق بتكنولوجيا المعلومات في مهام التدقيق.
تطوير المنتجات المصرفية للمشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة
بنهاية هذا البرنامج سيكون الاشخاص الذين يعملون بفرق تطوير المنتجات المصرفية للمشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة، قادرين على تحديد كيفية تطوير المنتجات الجديدة وتخطيط وتطبيق مراحل تطوير المنتج من خلال أنشطة متعلقة بأبحاث السوق والتحليل البيئي وفهم تفضيلات العملاء والمنافسة واختبار المنتجات وتقييم المنتجات.