Fundamentals of Financial Statement Analysis
This program aims to provide banking professionals a clear understanding of how and why bankers and other financial professionals analyze financial statements. The target audience is bankers who are new or recent hires to client facing roles and who need to understand the client’s financial performance, balance sheet and cash flows.
Course Objectives
By the end of the program, participants will be able to:
- Discuss a case study
- Illustrate equity analysis
- Explain financial statements
- Identify cash flow statements
- Recognize business and equity valuation
- Identify credit analysis and financial ratios
- Illustrate income statement and its components
- Analyze balance sheet and the basic balance sheet ratios
- Identify financial statement analysis and fundamental accounting concepts
This program targets employees at the credit, credit monitoring, risk, investment departments and employees at the portfolio management, finance departments and cost and accounting departments in other financial institutions.
Duration24 Hours
Content- Module One: Introduction
- Module Two: Analyzing the income statement
- Module Three: Analyzing the Balance Sheet
- Module Four: Financial Statements
- Module Five: Cash Flow Statements
- Module Six: Credit Analysis
- Module Seven: Equity Analysis
- Module Eight: Valuation
- Module Nine: Case Study
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Three Month License
EGP 650
Six Month License
EGP 850