Certified International Retail Banker (CIRB) Level 1: The Affiliate International Retail Banker
February 8, 2025
All Day
The Affiliate International Retail Banker program is a comprehensive introduction to retail banking and covers the major opportunities and challenges facing this vast industry – including digital transformation, competition, and partnership with FinTech and BigTech, sales management and credit risk management. As befits an industry developing at speed, our program content is right up to date as of early 2022. Our program first grounds candidates in the history of the industry and the relatively recent rise of retail banking, providing financial services to people and SMEs previously ignored by banks. The program emphasizes the critical role of ethics and compliance in banking. It trains candidates to understand the business models of retail banking, and to identify product, channel, and customer-centered models. We introduce the principles and business models of fintech operations, and the transformational role of digital banking and digital payments.